There is a huge today's generation of students who want to get started with their career path and this is the reason why students will always look for the best way to get the guidance and support. The students these days will choose career guidance on Career Guidance on career issues and responsibilities along with the recommendation for the part time jobs, internship, etc. There are plenty of problems floating around out there that you don't want to deal with once you graduate high school. I'm sure that there are other students just like you who feel the same way. The good news is that there are plenty of other people out there who have been through it, and have learned something from it. That's what we're going to talk about in this article. 

This is the first in a series of articles that will provide a set of tools and techniques that can be used by 12th standard students to excel in their careers. In this article, we will discuss topics such as:  Career preparation, choosing a career, career options, career ladder, career choices, career challenges, career decision making, career obstacles, career planning, etc. This blog is my life. Without this blog, I would not have met Mr. Balraj, my husband. I would not have had the courage to start this blog. I would not have the courage to share my thoughts here, no matter how controversial. I would not have the courage to make people aware of the communities they are missing out on, the communities where there are social evils and unfulfilled dreams. I would not have the courage to do all these things, and I would definitely not have the courage to be here today.

12th Std students are probably already thinking about their career goals. But, if you are a 12th Std student then you know that you have a lot of choices. You can apply to a government organization, a top private IT company, a top private college, a top state-run college, a top B-school, a top medical college, a top engineering college, a top management college, a top college, or a top law college. Your final choice is going to depend on a lot of factors.

You are a 12th std student. You have been through your final exams and now you are waiting for the results. The secondary school education board will release the 12th std results very soon. You have done a lot for this class and now you want to know what you have to do next. This is a common concern among students who have been through this kind of exam.

Most of you are probably here because you want to know about 11th std career guidance; if that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. All the content on this blog is perfect for you; it will help you get into the right college, get a good job and a good salary.


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