Career Counseling for Working Professionals

 You are probably not looking for career counseling or career coaching. You are looking for someone who can get you the job you want, the job that will make you happy. But what if you need more than what you are currently looking for? Career counseling can help you figure out which job is right for you, who you are suited to work with, and how to get what you want.

The current economy has taken a toll on the job security of professionals—those who provide services and those who depend on them. With the threat of lay off looming, we often lose sight of the value we offer and the bottom line we need to make. As a career counselor, I can help you place a value on your unique skills and experience and create a plan to pursue strategies that will help you to thrive professionally. I will help you find the best jobs for you and guide you through interview and negotiation processes so you can land the position.

Losing weight is not easy, but it is possible. Consider the following tips: 1. Set realistic weight loss goals. Some people try to lose 30 pounds only to find that they've gained 10 pounds back by the end of the year; others find that they've lost 10 pounds but gained back all of it during the holidays. 2. Focus on the small steps you can make to reach your goal. When you make small changes daily to your diet and exercise habits, it's easier to see progress. 3. Create small rewards for yourself. You will feel great when you reward yourself for all the hard work you put into reaching your goal. That feeling will keep you motivated. 4. Keep a journal. Journaling helps

If you're a working professional and worried about your career and/or you're just curious how you can do something to better your life and your career, then you've come to the right place. Elysian Inspires is a blog that will help you grow and develop your career and personal growth.


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