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 Students are heartily advised to seek career counseling before making any big plans. It’s important to ensure that your career goals are in line with what you are capable of, what you are interested in, and what you are set up for. A career counselor can help you identify your goals, understand what skills are necessary to achieve them, and discuss the role that education will play in helping you reach your goals.

Do you feel like there is something missing in your life? Do you need some advice on making your next decision? Are you trying to decide on an area of study? I offer one-on-one career counseling (through e-mail, phone, or in-person) to help you explore different options for your future!

As a student, you will be faced with numerous decisions and difficulties, right from choosing a major to choosing a career path. If you think about these decisions as a student, you will be able to make better choices. It is also beneficial to work towards making the right choices because the quality of your decision-making is where your ability to succeed in life lies.

Smart kids know that in this competitive world, they need to start preparing early for their futures. To better assist students in striking a balance between school and work, we created Elysian. As a result, we feel confident in saying that Elysian is the only service of its kind in the world.


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