After 10th career guidance

 I had no idea that the path to where I am today would be so difficult and uncertain. After all, I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in English and Business, I held a part-time position as a personal assistant, I completed an accounting course, and I was a member of a number of student and professional organizations. Yet, by the time I was 30, I realized that I was single, no longer working, and bored with life. At the time, I had no idea how I was going to be able to make a living. I didn't have any job skills, and I had no idea how I would be able to find a job.

I've been working in the financial services industry since 2006. Most of the people I work with are like me: High-achieving, professional career-driven people who want to do good in the world. I try to serve my clients in the best way I can, but some clients are difficult to work with. At times, I wish I could just give advice like some of my friends and colleagues give me. I would feel more satisfied. But I can't. I have to follow the rules.

If you want to know what the world of work is really like, look no further than the tenth career guidance course I've been on. These courses always open with a basic premise. In this case, it was: You should be focusing on creating a legacy that will outlive you, and ensuring that what you leave behind is something you can be proud of.

After 10th career guidance is the spirit of this blog and has been since the start. After 10th career guidance is meant to inspire and give you that extra push to get your foot in the door and get the job that you really want.


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