Chennai Counselors Foundation

 Chennai Counselors Foundation

The Chennai Counselors’ Foundation® (CCF) offers a comprehensive career planning programme consisting of Career awareness sessions and Career Personality Profiling, that will help students make positive choices about academics, life and work.

Contemporary career guidance is about finding a career that suits one’s personality, skill and includes most of one’s interests. Our major goal is to assist students/parents through a methodical and thoughtful process which will facilitate exploration and decision making about their academic and career choices rather than driven by the environmental factors and peer pressure.

One of the greatest challenges facing students and parents in today’s world is making a suitable choice of academic courses that may result in a preferred career. The dilemma has been compounded by the availability of plethora of courses, influence of peers / parents, lack of availability of suitable jobs, lack of knowledge about innate skills, interests and personality of the students etc.

Students are often in a dilemma as they struggle to balance family and social pressures and expectations from within themselves, with the desire to make career choices that ensure lifelong fulfilment. Selecting the right course to get into a career that will be the right fit for the student is the first most critical decision in their life. Considering the significance of this phase in a student’s life CCF offers the below services that would enable a student to get a better and exhaustive awareness of the choices available and how the courses can be mapped to the personality profile of the student to enable a more appropriate choice for him or her.

1. Providing a Career Awareness Session

Indian Education System has changed a lot and it has evolved over a period of time. The new business requirements in market has combined various disciplines and opened up opportunities for newer disciplines and the students need not be struck with the traditional choices which may not be offering the same value that they used to offer earlier. Students can afford to explore new areas which are growing in leaps and bounds and very remunerative and requires different types of skills. Moreover, it would be unfair to expect the parents of the new generation students to keep track of all new developments in the market that drives the education system considering the pace at which the changes are happening.

Hence it becomes important for the students to get to know their actual strength and personality and understand the broad range of modern courses along with the traditional ones. C&G wing of CCF provides a service called “Career Awareness Session” where an experienced counsellor will explain the attributes needed for a student to be successful in a career and provide the students awareness of a list of courses, colleges and career options based on the stream that they have taken in XI and XII. This will also help the students of IX and X in planning the first step towards their area of choice by selecting the right post standard X.

Though normally a 2-hour session is recommended, the timing of this session can be customized based on the number of participants and the mixture of streams that the participating students that have taken.

2. Personality Profile Assessment for the students:

The students of Std. IX to XII will be required to make most important decision of their future life which is to choose the appropriate subjects that they wish to pursue at the XI and XII level and college studies that will make them both successful and happy in life. Students have to understand that their career of choice should be able to provide both success and happiness.

The Objective of the half day program conducted by CCF is to help students develop their Career Personality Profile upon which they can make informed choices. While IX and X students make a choice about their subject track for Stds. XI and XII, students of XI and XII make a more appropriate choice with respect to their college courses.

This scientific approach would prevent to a large extent student making a wrong choice of courses due to various environmental factors and later do a course correction that would end up wasting several years. Parents or guardians are required to be present along with the student. The above service is offered as a one on one session or as a group session.

3. MCMF – My Choice My Future

Chennai Counsellors’ Foundation (CCF), under the aegis of its Career Guidance Wing, has constantly endeavoured to facilitate the above-mentioned services using scientific methods and tools. To further enhance this offering to the community, CCF has partnered with M/s Pearson India Education Services Private Limited and is licensed to use their online career guidance tool MCMF that has been developed indigenously to meet the specific requirements of Indian students and academic / career environment in India. CCF counselors are certified by Pearson in administering and interpreting this MCMF tool.

Here we have Elysian Inspires, the best career counselling in Chennai to getting a best career counselling for you. 


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